Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Writing on the Wall Wednesdays

Okay lets try again...I haven't been very good at a frequent Wednesday thing, so here we go. I was introduced this year to a wonderful childrens book author by my good friend and cousin-in-law Lisa. The authors name is Emily Gravett. I love all of her stuff. Her most recent book is called Meerkat Mail, but all her others are just as entertaining! I love Wolves, The Odd Egg, and Little Mouse's Biggest Book of Fears just to name a few! If you get a chance check out her official website Take a look I'm sure you'll enjoy...


Jamie said...

We just found one of her books at the library today!

Janine said...

I didn't know you had a blog! Thanks for the comment on mine. I'm sad I missed that Old School exhibit - it looks like it had great things. Next time you are zooing - call me

MA said...

Oh, I am writing this one down. I realize Em is not quite big enough yet, so I will take note. Lovin' Wednesday's posts!!

Lisa Thompson said...

Glad to have found another fan of Emily Gravett! And for little Em - Emily Gravett has two books that she probably would enjoy - Monkey and Me, and Orange Pear Apple Bear. (You've got me onto blogging - but I haven't yet braved it becoming public. I made my first post today - kind of a journal of my sketching, I hope it helps to keep me diligent.