Sunday, March 8, 2009

My Boys

My 22 year-old brother just moved to Vancouver, and left behind a few of his Calvin and Hobbes comic strip books. I had forgotten how much I loved these insightful and funny strips. Also, my husband and I have had a great time reading through them and laughing about how much Calvin reminds us of our sons.

These two particular comic strips gave us quite a chuckle. They are both so much like our 7 year old we couldn't believe it (Calvin was a lot like my brother as well. We're all happy he grew out of it!) Enjoy!


Two Mittens said...

It's so much funnier when it's not your kid hammering the coffee table...I guess I just need to look at my own sons with more humor, and not so much terror when they demolish stuff, or dig up the yard, or put holes in things (that don't need holes)...etc, etc!!
ah boys.
they're the easy ones as teenagers, right?!

Jamie said...

I used to LOVE Calvin & Hobbes. I should catch up - Calvin & Nate are frighteningly similar...

MA said...

I love these comics as well...although perhaps I might be ok without boys?!

b.liz said...

Hilarious! These take me down memory lane...I think my brother owns every Calvin & Hobbes book printed. Somehow these still make me laugh over and over again.

(I'm also praying that my boys will be angelic teens. Although, if they are anything like their daddy as a teenager, I'm in big trouble!)

Sara Christine said...

Ohhh Calvin & Hobbes reminds me of my Dad. We always used to read it on Sunday mornings, and we were both so sad when it ended. Love these!