Wednesday, May 20, 2009

I need some Spring!

When I was younger I was a rebellious gardener. My mother loved it, and was always planting and weeding. I could never understand it and hated it when I was asked to help. Well, now I love it and want a HUGE garden. We have a very short growing season, but can usually produce some wonderful things. So I'm thinking this will be the year I actually do some growing. My mom would be very proud!

Living in Calgary, AB we don't usually have four seasons. It's winter and summer. But by May 20th I'm really tired of snow (which we had some of today!). On that note I've been on my favorite "idea" website and I've decided to just live vicariously through those who actually get to put these gardening and planting ideas to use. Although maybe once the weather turns I will too!

(photo curtesy

I love these self watering hanging planters, so cute and great for the forgetful waterers out there!

(photo curtesy

I love the idea of a hanging garden. It's so beautiful and inviting. The plants used in this are called Cabaret White Calibrachoa, and I like how they've used an uneven grouping, very classy!

(photo curtesy of
Who doesn't love a herb garden? Little garden patches work in my climate, so this was very appealing to me, and I also love cooking with fresh herbs, why not grow my own?

(photo curtesy of Alessi)

Don't you LOVE this watering can. I definitely need to start gardening so I can get me one of these!


Anonymous said...

I have never seen those hanging planters like that before- cool idea. Hope you can get to some gardening soon! No more snow!

Sara Christine said...

My friend attempted a garden in his backyard a few weeks ago, but the chilly SF weather coupled with some sort of ravenous pest has killed all his plants! We're sticking to a collection of simple potted herbs. :)

Jamie said...

Cute potted plants! I wish I had the energy for a garden. Maybe next my new house!!!

MA said...

I would love a beautiful backyard garden...but may perhaps rather hire a gardener!! I do love those hanging planters...adorable!

Karlee said...

Beautiful!! I too have some self watering hanging planters which I got from Gardener's Supply.

Lisa Thompson said...

So did you plant an herb garden. I would love to have one. Too bad our growing season is so short!

Loved the post and all the great ideas. Thanks Rockstar!

rockstar said...

Unfortunately I did not plant the herb garden. Every year I say I will, and every year I find a million other projects!